Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Energize your Life ... naturally!

What special factor gives children and young people the ability to express themselves so vigorously? Experts tell us that answer lies in our enzyme make-up. Low enzyme levels are associated with chronic disease and old age. Nobel Prize winner, Dr. James B. Sumner, claims that the tired run-down 'middle age' feeling is due to diminished enzymes.

Enzymes are important biological catalysts which are fundamentally necessary for life processes. Life cannot be sustained without enzymes. In fact, every chemical reaction taking place in the body is only made possible by enzyme action. We would not be able to think, see or dream without them. We have a limited store of enzymes (our personal store is referred to as indigenous enzymes). These are used up in processes such as cell respiration, digestion and blood cleansing. Other factors, such as illness, sweating, etc., can also lower enzyme count. One of America's leading authorities on enzymes, Dr. Edward Howell, estimated (according to studies with rats) that diets deficient in enzymes cause a 30% reduction in life span.

The key to feeling healthy, invigorated and vital lies in upping enzyme nutrition. Enzymes are heat-sensitive biochemical dynamos. They break down at temperatures in excess of approximately 106-130 degrees F, so we won't find them in cooked food. Avocado, banana and mango are rich natural sources. Wheatgrass has a high enzyme content which boosts the system by enriching and cleansing the blood, removing wastes, attacking viruses and enhancing digestion. Wheatgrass is the 'baby' stage of the wheat plant. The young grass harvests energy from the sun via photosynthesis and converts it to a "powerhouse of biochemical activity" within our bodies. The emission of radiant energy is a feature of wheatgrass chlorophyll.

Research confirms the potent role wheatgrass plays as an anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, anti-oxidant and anti-aging remedy. The juice, taken regularly as a drink can make a big difference to health, appearance and vitality. Why? Because wheatgrass affects organs on a cellular level. It also offers a greater capacity for intense activity.

You do not have to embark on a stringent dietary regime to benefit from wheatgrass. Just one glass a day works wonders!

How to grow Wheatgrass

Wheatgrass is sprouted wheat kernels which have been allowed to grow to a height of 6 inches or more, usually for 7 - 14 days (depending on warmth), either indoors or outdoors in trays or in the open ground.


Soak 1 cup of wheat kernels overnight and drain. Place the soaked grains ON TOP of a tray half-filled with organic compost. Water gently. Place a clean cardboard or wood panel over to cover the tray. Remove the covering on the 2nd or 3rd day ... you will notice tiny shoots emerging. Place the tray in a protected light/shade spot, and water daily. Your wheatgrass will be ready for harvest when it is about 6 inches tall.

Adapted from my book, "Wheatgrass: Superfood for a New Millennium", published by Vital Health Publishing. Brand: Square One Publishers. USA.

Monday, April 12, 2010

The best ANTI-AGING Solution: Wheatgrass!

A youthful skin, shining white teeth, boundless energy and a trim body belong to everyone. With a formidable body of knowledge available to us about juices, herbs, and flowers, we can take stock of our lives and make changes that can not only make us feel better, but that can also make us look more youthful.

Wheatgrass has been extensively tested in the US for over 70 years. Much exciting information has come to light from this research. According to researchers, the young wheat plant contains substances that can actually encourage cells to grow younger instead of older as the years go by. Chlorophyll constitutes 70% of the solute in wheatgrass and has been extensively tested for its extraordinary healing powers.This green "life-blood" of the plant draws its energy from the light of the sun and has the ability to infuse our bloodstream with healing and regeneration.

Wheatgrass juice is made from the young blades of the wheat plant. It can be expressed in a wheatgrass juicer, or the grass can be blended in a liquidizer with water, (raw honey, edible flowers, etc. are optional) and strained to make a refreshing, nutritional drink. And it is not only the juice that makes wheatgrass worth its title of 'green gold'. Derivatives of wheat are currently being used in many leading cosmetic houses because of their antioxidant and vitamin E properties. These and other properties in wheat, and especially in wheatgrass, are powerful allies in the fight against aging skin. Inspired by the principle of photosynthesis -- that light creates energy, leading cosmetic houses have developed the science of cellular regeneration.

Wheatgrass is a superbly gentle skin cleanser and a wonderful toner. Doctors at the Temple University in Philadelphia discovered that the green solution seemed to thicken and strengthen the walls of animals. When applied regularly on to the skin, it will eventually fade blemishes and sunspots. It stimulates the growth of healthy, new skin and tightens older skin. It is absorbed easily and quickly by the skin, leaving it feeling silky-smooth and glowing. So, be kind to your skin and give it a fresh start with wheatgrass!

This article is adapted from my book, Wheatgrass: Superfood for a New Millennium, published by Vital Health Publishing. Brand: Square One Publishers. USA.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Harvesting Solar Energy: Wheatgrass ... light particles transfer energy during the process of photosynthesis ...

Chlorophyll constitutes 70% of the solute in wheatgrass and has been extensively tested for its extraordinary healing powers. This green 'life-blood' of the plant draws its energy from the light of the sun and has the ability to infuse our bloodstream with healing and regeneration. Light particles transfer energy during the process of photosynthesis. Sun-rays filter through the tissues of the plant and release their photons which are gradually absorbed and stored within the atoms of the plant.

Drinking freshly expressed wheatgrass juice may be our link to this primary energy source -- an infusion of sun-energy may be the reason for the light "sparkling" sensation so often reported by many individuals using wheatgrass.

This article is adapted from my book,' Wheatgrass: Superfood for a New Millennium' published by Vital Health Publishing (April 2000). New publisher, Square One Publishers. U.S.A.